Friday, September 29, 2006

Last night

Tonight will be my last night at my Belltown condo. I really enjoyed living in this place for the last one and half years - will definitely miss it. Strangely enough this move has been symbolic of a lot of changes in my life recently. Will move to a new place tomorrow, to a new country in the months following, and hopefully, to newer opportunities in the years ahead. It’s not a walk in the park though. As any economist will tell you there is an opportunity cost associated all the choices we make in life. Choosing a new future often involves giving up something from the past. But most people find it difficult to trust a new future because until you unconditionally submit to it, future always is and will remain a "stranger". No wonder, good or bad (real or imagined), people would rather cling on to their pasts and drag it into their future because past after all is their "own".

As for me, this has never been a contest - I love "strangers" in my life.