Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Summer Ball 2007


Whole night summer ball at the historic Château de Fontainebleau. More pictures here.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

E8 Section Party

My Insead section just after the P2 exam. Ready for some good ol' fashioned drinking session.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Virginia Tech

Breaks my heart thinking of the classrooms, where I have spent so much time, stained with the blood of the innocents.

A part of all of us, who have walked carelessly down the drill field, seen the beauty of the setting sun on the Burruss hall and spent carefree times on the steps of Norris hall, has died in those moments of insanity.

Friday, March 09, 2007

P1 break

First period ended yesterday - 5 exams in 3 days. However much I tried, I couldn't get myself phyced up about the exams. Consequently, slept (without worries) a bit too much and ate even more. I'm already feeling the effects of the second on my stomach. Hopefully wont have to pay for the first when the results come out (fingers crossed). Anyway, let bygones be bygones. :)
Yesterday made a day trip to Paris. Spent a lot of time in Notre Dame and Latin court. The day was beautiful so managed to get some (what I think are) nice pictures.
The next period starts in 3 days ....

Monday, February 19, 2007

First month at INSEAD

What I have learned?
Whoever decided that 24 hrs in a day is enough should be sent to INSEAD.

Everyone who has not heard from me, yes, I am alive and here is the proof.